Category: Alerts
Alerts helps you quickly connect with thousands of opportunities. It’s easy: type in what you want to do and where you want to do it, hit Search
What Skills & Qualities do Employees need
What Skills & Qualities Do Employers Want When They Employ a Person Straight Out of School/ College/ University? If you are in the last year of your college or school or university, you must be wondering what Skills & qualities you need to have for a good job? Do I have these qualities? Or do […]
Jobs in the Future
JOBS IN THE FUTURE – WHAT JOBS WILL EXIST IN NEXT 5, 10, 20 YEARS THAT DON’T EXIST NOW? We all know very well that no one knows jobs in the future nor anyone can decide the future. As technology keeps on changing, we don’t know which job will be eliminated by technology and which […]
What Effects are Robotic Workers Having on the Job Market
WHAT EFFECTS ARE ROBOTIC WORKERS HAVING ON THE JOB MARKET? Let’s start! Know about robotics and the effects of robotic workers in the job market. What Is Robotics? Robotics is based on artificial intelligence. Robotics is an interdisciplinary branch of computer science and engineering. Robotics include construction, design, operation and use of robots. The main […]
Future in Digital Marketing
FUTURE IN DIGITAL MARKETING Before knowing the scope of digital marketing in future, let’s gain some basic knowledge about it. What is Digital Marketing? Digital Marketing is also known as Online Marketing. Digital or online is that marketing which uses electronic devices to promote the product or the content. It basically refers to promoting something […]