How women a support females to make career choices
Finland’s Sanna Marin became the world’s youngest woman, prime minister, at the age of 34. She made it to the headlines for selecting an ‘all women’ cabinet in their thirties. Since then, Finland has been topping the ‘World Happiness Index’ for four consecutive years!
SWARANYA, the ‘Mission 50:50 is a result of a compelling vision to create an equal world for women in corporate India! We have committed ourselves to #Breakthebias to get the gender ratio up to 50:50 from a shrinking 18%.
SWARANYA actively collaborates with the who’s who of corporate India. To ensure more women back to the workforce & boardrooms by curating new-age employment models that are flexible and fair, attracting women of diverse backgrounds that range from war widows, returning mothers, remote professionals, gig workers and the likes.
By calling out ‘unconscious bias’ and stereotypes operating around women, loud and clear, over and over, we are creating a positive shift in the mindsets of thousands of employees. In addition, our mass diversity sensitization workshops for leaders, managers, and women are rewiring mental maps, rallying them towards an equal world.
As a small-town girl, I have traversed a long way in the corporate jungle, making it to the top through multiple failures while nurturing my two growing girls and ageing parents.
I believe it’s time for me to give back and share my life lessons with other aspiring women and pave their way to a fearless journey of empowerment & growth. “Let’s break the glass ceiling in our minds and come together to celebrate women’s day every day!”