What makes an HR professional a true people person?
1 min read

What makes an HR professional a true people person?

On this International HR Day, Career Beacon spoke with a few HR to find out What makes an HR a people person. Dr GP Rao shared his success mantra of What makes an HR professional a true people’s person?

Dr G.P.Rao

Founder & Managing Partner

Good People Relations


People always ask me how I went from being a personnel administrator to being on the boards of directors of publicly-traded companies. I did that by learning as I went along, with the following traits. 

An HR professional with the following traits is a true people person if they demonstrate the following traits

Empathic, Emotionally Connected, Listening with respect & demonstrate fairness in dealings.

Solution centricity, Transparency in policies
Enable to excel, Create a Culture of Appreciation and Reward, provide Genuine Feedback, Share information, and foster collaboration in working

HR should look beyond numbers & Invests in Wellness.

What makes an HR professional a true people person?