5 Things Never To Include On Your Resume
5 Things Never To Include On Your Resume
A resume is the first step for going for a job interview. Hence, it is considered a very important step in getting a job opportunity.
An employer does not spend much time on a resume. On average, an employer looks at a resume for about 7 to 8 seconds. But it completely depends on the organization to organization.
Some of the organizations spend more time reading the resume while others do not spend much time. Almost, for every vacant position in an organization, an employer or recruiter receives about 250 applications and resumes.
This is the main reason why an employer spends less time looking at CV. That is the main reason when an individual who is looking for a job has to look after his or her resume to be just perfect to get selected.
So it is very important for a candidate to make his or her resume while keeping in mind the 5 things never to include on his or her resume.
You have seen many articles which are related to what to include in your resume. But in this article, you will get to know about 5 things never to include on your resume.
So, let's look at the following list of the 5 things you should never include on your resume are:-
- Resume Objective Statement
- Personal Details & Photograph
- Unprofessional Email ID / Address
- Technical Jargon or Buzzwords
- Design or Fancy Fonts
Resume Objective Statement
Generally, a resume objective statement is considered a waste of space on your resume. Such statements are like- looking for opportunities to leverage my skills, etc. These statements don’t tell anything about you to the recruiter. It generally states that you are looking for an organization that will help you and allows you to grow more.
Instead of this resume objective statement, you can write about the professional summary. Generally, this career summary or professional summary is completed between 3 to 5 lines. This will tell the recruiter if you are a perfect fit or not for the position.
By writing about the professional summary or career summary, tell the recruiter about what you can bring to the role for the organization. So, rather than telling your personal objective, you can write a professional summary.
Personal Details & Photograph
Providing your personal details is also considered a waste of space on your resume. Including your age, weight, gender, height, family situation, health, marital status, culture, hobbies, religion, etc. is not necessary. Also, adding a photograph is considered to be discriminatory, because hiring someone on the basis of their physical appearance or looks.
In fact, it is illegal for employers to ask for these personal details. Also, you have to keep in mind that writing any information on your resume will help you to get that particular job you are applying for. Instead of your personal details, you can add your professional skills and can make an impression on the recruiter.
Unprofessional Email ID / Address
You can’t write your unprofessional email id or address in your resume. Don’t continue with the email id that you made years ago in your schools or colleges. These email id may not seem to be professional or they can be funny. For example- using the name of any movie actor or anything else which might hurt any community in the society (such as religious or gender-based, etc.).
You can also create an email ID or address for only your professional uses or exclusively for your job-search activities. You can also create an email id or address which includes your name initials. Make sure that your professional email id is available on every professional platform you are on for example- LinkedIn, Naukri.com, etc.
Technical Jargon or Buzzwords
Using Technical Jargons or Buzzwords in your resume is not considered to be a good idea. You have to include necessary keywords in your resume that match your job requirements.
Your resume should not look fake, it means that if you use excessive technical jargon or buzzwords it seems that you are trying to impress the recruiter.
It kind of gives a fake impression on the recruiter and he or she can get irritated by it. So, it is advised not to use technical words or jargon, or buzzwords.
Design or Fancy Fonts
It is advised that you should not use any type of design and fancy fonts. This is because when a recruiter has many applications or resumes to read, he or she may get irritated by fancy fonts and designs.
A recruiter may get annoyed because he has to give a look at the following specific information mentioned in the resume and fonts & designs can distract him or her from looking at the information. The selection of design and fonts should be simple and clean, which should be clearly visible. Please note that while selecting the fonts & designs, less is more.