Our lives brim with anecdotes of expectations
Money, growth, acknowledgement, time for self-indulgence or self-love, and a chance to pursue our passion.
Our lives brim with anecdotes of expectations. We have expectations from ourselves and those that the world has from us. Besides being the cause of all resistance, expectations push our boundaries. After completing a master’s in Marketing from Manchester Business School, UK, I expected to be more successful, but I struggled for a stronghold in the air cargo industry.
People in that industry call it a black hole as there is only one way in. After four years juggling multiple roles and responsibilities in my first job, I landed a job as a salesperson in one of the oldest airlines in the world, British Airways.
Three years went by.
I earned loads of lessons and accolades and the pledge that changed the course of my career. I wanted to prove that anyone could leave the air cargo industry if they were willing and determined enough. I started looking out for a job in 2016 and received an offer from every interview I sat for outside the air cargo industry. Finally, in November 2017, I left the industry for good amidst many stares, disbelief and warnings of an impending doom outside the cargo cushion.
In a market where 20-25% increment was considered the ceiling, I had received a hundred per cent hike and never turned to look back. In 2019, I joined another multinational and after the first lockdown in 2020, I realised it was time to give my passion for writing a chance. So, I started Salestors, and the feedback for my writing gave me ample confidence to pursue Content Writing as a career. Soon, I was being touted as a Content Creator by various platforms and earning laurels for my writing.