Important Updates and Guidelines for ISC Class XII Exams 2024 by CISCE
The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) is commencing the ISC class XII examinations starting today, February 12. The first exam, English paper 1 (English language), will begin at 2 pm and will last for 3 hours. The CISCE class XII 2024 exams are scheduled to continue until April 3.
Students must ensure they have their admit cards with them when they arrive at the exam centre. At 1:45 pm, students will receive the question paper along with the answer booklet, allowing them some time to review the questions before the exam starts.
Guidelines for exam day include arriving at the examination hall at least an hour before the exam time and being seated five minutes before the start of the examination. Candidates should sign the top main answer booklet and write their unique ID (Unique Identification Number) and index number clearly on the top sheet of the answer booklet using a black or blue ink pen. It’s important to read all the general directions provided at the head of a paper regarding the number of questions to be attempted.
Starting this year, CISCE will discontinue the compartment exams. However, candidates will have the opportunity to improve their scores in the same year of the exams and also appear for improvement exams. They can appear in a maximum of two subjects in the improvement exams.
The class X ICSE exams conducted by CISCE will begin on February 21, starting with English paper 1 on the first day and concluding on March 28.