2023 IT Certification Report: Boosting Careers and Confidence
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2023 IT Certification Report: Boosting Careers and Confidence

The 2023 Value of IT Certification Candidate Report by Pearson VUE reveals that among IT professionals who invested in certification for better job opportunities, 37% received salary increases, 42% anticipate receiving one, and 27% secured job promotions. Pearson VUE stated, “This year’s report demonstrates the recognized value of IT certifications by both candidates and their employers.” Gary Gates, Managing Director of Pearson VUE, highlighted that certifications enable the acquisition of new skills, qualifying candidates for improved job prospects.

The report indicates that certified employees feel more empowered, with 92% expressing increased confidence in their abilities and 81% having greater confidence to explore new job opportunities. Gates emphasized that respondents believe certification not only enhances employee mobility but also boosts company profitability. Younger generations are adopting certifications at higher rates and starting earlier in their learning journeys, leading to faster closure of skills gaps. The pandemic’s impact has accelerated the shift to a technology-centric workplace, making IT skills baseline requirements. IT certification, traditionally seen as a solution for future-proofing the workforce, has become crucial, with 65% of candidates and 55% of employers increasing investments in IT skilling in response to the pandemic.