US Career Opportunities for Indian Commerce Graduates 
3 mins read

US Career Opportunities for Indian Commerce Graduates 

For Indian Commerce Graduates, securing a fulfilling career in the US can be an exciting dream. 

Traditionally, navigating visa limitations often meant limited work experience and career progression. However, the tides are turning! STEM-designated accounting programs are emerging as a powerful tool for Indian commerce graduates to unlock doors to successful US careers.

Why STEM Accounting Programs for Indian Commerce Graduates?

The US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) now recognizes specific accounting programs like Master’s in Accounting and STEM-MBA in Accounting as STEM-designated. 

These programs offer a unique advantage: extended work authorization in the US.

Benefits of STEM Accounting Programs

  • Extended Optional Practical Training (OPT): Unlike traditional MBAs, STEM graduates qualify for a 24-month OPT extension. 

This allows Indian commerce graduates to gain valuable work experience in the US for a significant period without needing an H-1B visa. 

This extended experience can lead to sponsorship for a permanent work visa, paving the way for a long-term US career.

  • Enhanced Employability: These programs go beyond traditional accounting, integrating data analytics, big data, and financial technology. 

Graduates develop in-demand skills like financial data analysis, applying technology in auditing, and understanding the financial implications of big data. 

This specialized skillset makes them highly sought-after by major corporations like Deloitte and KPMG.

  • Industry Trend Alignment: The accounting sector is rapidly evolving, and STEM programs ensure graduates stay ahead of the curve. 

They learn not just to crunch numbers but also to tackle complex data-driven challenges in the financial world. Recent reports highlight the growing importance of data analytics and automation skills for accounting professionals.

Navigating the OPT Process

Here’s a roadmap to navigate the OPT process for Indian commerce graduates:

  • Program Selection: Choose a program with a STEM designation and a strong data analytics curriculum. Consult advisors to ensure the program aligns with your skills and goals.
  • Professional Networking: Actively network through career fairs, LinkedIn, and alumni networks. These connections can be instrumental in securing jobs with US companies willing to sponsor H-1B visas. Consider Curricular Practical Training (CPT) during your program to gain industry experience.
  • Job Offer and Sponsorship: Secure a job offer! Maintain a good GPA, prepare for interviews, and develop strong soft skills. The STEM designation can significantly help by highlighting your specialized skillset and extended OPT eligibility to potential employers.
  • Visa Application and Interview: Once you have a job offer, carefully navigate the H-1B visa application process. Gather all necessary documents, prepare for the interview, and emphasize the specialized skills you gained through the STEM program.

A Promising Path for Indian Commerce Graduates

The educational landscape is offering new possibilities for Indian commerce graduates. STEM-designated accounting programs provide a powerful combination of advanced accounting knowledge, cutting-edge analytical skills, and a viable pathway to achieving US career aspirations. 

With a solid foundation and a future-proof skillset, graduates are well-positioned to become valuable contributors to the dynamic US job market, setting the stage for a fulfilling professional journey.

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