CBSE Class 10th, 12th Results 2023: Turn the Tide with CBSE Supplementary Success!
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has declared that the Supplementary Exams for CBSE Class 12th will take place in July 2023. The exact schedule will be available shortly on the official website cbse.gov.in. In keeping with the National Education Policy 2020, CBSE has decided to designate these exams as supplementary examinations instead of compartment exams.
Supplementary exams offer students with failing grades in one or more subjects the opportunity to raise their scores and pass their board tests. The application period for both CBSE 10th and 12th Supplementary exams will start soon.
The CBSE Supplementary exams will follow the same format as the regular board exams, with a pen and paper approach Those planning to take part should ensure that they have revised the syllabus and worked through prior years’ question papers in order to be well-prepared. Early preparation is key to success!
The Supplementary results are expected to be posted by late July or early August. The details can be accessed through the official website of the CBSE – cbse.gov.in or cbseresults.nic.in. Prior to the start of the exams in July, do refer to some of the FAQs available online.
What are CBSE Supplementary exams?
The Supplementary exams are essential for students who did not succeed in the regular CBSE board exams. They provide an opportunity for these students to enhance their grades and pass the examinations.
Who is eligible for supplementary exam?
Supplementary exams conducted by the CBSE provide a chance for Class 10 and 12 students to enhance their grades in one or two subjects. For those who were unable to pass their exams this year, the supplementary exam serves as a great opportunity. Those who are in Class 10 can improve on two papers, while Class 12 pupils will have the chance to do better in just one.
Who can apply for Supplementary exams?
Students who have either failed one or more subjects in their regular CBSE board exams, or have been absent due to illness or any other valid reasons, are eligible to apply for Supplementary exams.
When will CBSE conduct supplementary exam this year?
As per the CBSE, their Class 10 and 12 supplementary exams will take place in July 2023.
How to apply for Supplementary exams?
The CBSE board usually announces the application process for Supplementary exams a few months after the regular board exams. Students have the option of applying either online or offline.
When are Supplementary exams held?
Supplementary exams usually take place in June or July. The CBSE board generally announces the exact dates a few weeks before administering the tests.
What is the syllabus for Supplementary exams?
The CBSE board website has the same syllabus for the Supplementary exams as that of the standard board exams, and you can find it there.
Do candidates surely pass in supplementary exams?
The authorities will give a ‘Pass’ designation to the candidate if they meet the requirement of the subject/s in which they had been unsuccessful.
What is the subject for supplementary exams?
The curricula and classes for supplemental students will match those of their peers studying the full range of subjects.
If I didn’t clear Class 10 exams, will they promote me to Class 11?
The school will provisionally admit a Class 10 student placed in a compartment to Class 11 until they sit their first attempt at the July compartmental examination. If they fail to pass this exam, the school will retract their admission.