Nail Your Interview: Phrases to Avoid and How to Shine
1 min read

Nail Your Interview: Phrases to Avoid and How to Shine

Interviews can be stressful, but with a little preparation you can make a great impression.  A former Google recruiter spills the tea on some common phrases that can raise red flags for interviewers. Let’s look at what to avoid and how to respond instead:

1. Ditch the “I Work Very Hard” Brag

Saying things like “I work too hard” or “I’m a perfectionist” might backfire. It can come across as if you think you’re already flawless, leaving no room for growth.  This isn’t the message you want to send!


Be honest! Share a story about a mistake you made, what you learned from it, and how you improved as a result. This shows self-awareness and a willingness to learn.

2. Don’t Play the Blame Game

Even if a coworker’s mistake impacted your work, avoid bad-mouthing past colleagues or employers. Blaming others reflects poorly and makes you seem unwilling to take responsibility.


Take the high road! Show humility by acknowledging that things don’t always go perfectly. Briefly explain the situation without placing blame, and focus on how you handled it.

3. Saying “I Don’t Know” Isn’t a Dealbreaker

A blank stare when faced with a tough question won’t impress anyone. But blurting out “I don’t know” can shut down the conversation.


Show your resourcefulness! Respond with something like, “I don’t know the answer offhand, but here’s how I would approach finding a solution.” This demonstrates your problem-solving skills and initiative.

Bonus Tip:  Be enthusiastic about the role! Ask questions about the challenges you could help solve, and make eye contact to project confidence.

By avoiding these red flag phrases and showcasing your strengths, you’ll be well on your way to a successful interview!