Indian University vs Foreign University
Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” Â
Education is organic and grows and evolves with time and the human mind.Â
It is the main reason education is different in different countries. The principles for building an education system vary from country to country. But their goals are similar. In other words, to awake and enhance the creativity of the human mind.Â
Education motivates us to set a goal for our life, improving our knowledge, skills, self-confidence, and personality.Â
It improves the intellectual ability to talk to others in our lives. Education brings maturity and teaches us to live in a changing social environment—the road to social development, economic growth, and technological progress. Education plays a crucial role in forming a decent person by creating a personality and improving knowledge and skills. It gives a person the ability to think about good and evil.Â
India is home to many religions and diverse cultures. Country where we speak a lot of languages in different regions. This land of heritage has created many entrepreneurs and billionaires. Indian Universities have played a vital role in helping and moving them forward. They are recently listed in the QS Higher Education System Strength Rankings, thanks to the top universities in India, such as IIT, NIT, IISC’S and AIIMS.Â
Studying in India can be more affordable than going to a new country. India being a diverse country, will teach the students how to adjust and respect others gracefully. Moreover, the education cost is less than that of foreign universities. Indian Universities also have a more structured and rigid learning program.Â
It can be an advantage as well as a disadvantage. The advantage is that students may not get confused about what they must learn next to increase their knowledge. Still, the burden can be that a rigorous learning process in Indian universities does not help their students explore more new and latest things.Â
They are now coming to what foreign universities offer their students. As we know, the learning processes in these universities are more flexible for students. Therefore they can explore more in their respective fields. Moreover, going to a new country will mean you must move out of your comfort zone and be a better and a whole new person. Studying in India will only give you the interaction with the diverse culture of India, but going abroad will provide you with a global exchange which will help you to grow more.
Now, let us talk about some of the significant differences between the two universities.Â
Firstly, in the Indian Education System, students cannot change their subject in the middle of the course. In contrast, Foreign Universities do not limit the student with some issues.Â
Moreover, the approaches to the education of both universities are quite different. Indian Universities usually focus more on theoretical education and rely on past research. Still, if we talk about the approach of foreign universities, they tend to follow a more practical approach and provide field work so that students can gain increased knowledge.Â
Secondly, education in India is more affordable than education in foreign. India is slowly becoming a hub of entrepreneurs, start-ups, and unique business strategies motivated by the government and Indian Universities. They even have a particular cell for funding the universities’ start-ups. Foreign universities usually promote job opportunities in big companies like Google, Microsoft, etc.Â
 Thirdly, foreign universities provide a variety of scholarships to students.
They also offer work-study programs so students can work part-time and study simultaneously. In contrast, Indian Universities provide scholarships but are constrained and have no university that offers a work-study program.Â
Simply put, each education system has its strengths and weaknesses.
Pros and cons.Â
As a developing country, India’s education system is developing on a pillar that supports in-depth theoretical knowledge and prepares students for some of the world’s toughest competitive exams. Education systems in other developed countries are more flexible, but students can pursue various career options that differ from mainstream ones. So, choose your university wisely; choose it based on your way of learning and your needs.Â