Changing Landscape of Career Counseling in India
All over career counselling in India there are so many young students who are confused in which stream to choose or which profession to choose. There are so many professionals as well who are worried about their future.
In the 80s – 90s, students did not have many options for their career. They have only some options which were recognized at that time were doctors, engineers, CA’s etc. As we take the example of our parents, they also said that there was no one who could guide them for their future.
Today also, lakhs of students appear for IIT, Medical, CA, CS! But the main thing is how many students get admission or get selected for these competitive examinations.
Every year lakhs of students graduate but after their graduation they are not sure about which field they want to pursue further. Now, here, there is a need for career counselling. Many of us think that career counseling is just saying that ” you can do this job one day “or ” according to your interest you can pursue this job or career in future” and do these jobs for the rest of your life! No! Career Counselling is not just about that! Career counselling helps people to give knowledge about the career they are interested in and make the best career decision for themselves.
Career Counselling is an important process on which a person’s whole future depends.To clear more of your doubts let’s deep dive into career counselling: –
What is career Counselling?
Till now many of you must be confused about what career counselling is. Career counselling is the systematic process that focuses on helping a person to understand herself or himself. very few people take career counselling in india. It is the process of understanding a person’s strength, weakness, interests, abilities and gathering all these things and guide the most suitable career option and perfect education for it.
Each one of us needs guidance related to our career at least once in our lives. A person who has professional knowledge and who is trained professionally i.e a Career Counsellor guides students to the most suitable career for them. Career Counselling not only guides the students for career but also gives them the confidence to make future career decisions correctly.
Career Counselling Essential: –
- Career Counsellor
- Psychometric Career Assessment
- Career counsellor: –
She/he is the person who is qualified professional in this field. They are experts in their field. Career counsellor is the one who gives guidance to the students or professionals. Make sure that you gain knowledge and take guidance from an expert and qualified career Counsellor
2.Psychometric Career Assessment
Psychometric Career Assessment or career test is a diagnostic test to examine abilities and career interests. It helps to find the most appropriate career option for a student or professional that matches his/her interests, abilities, and personality.
Busting myths: – Who can take Career Counselling?
Career counselling is for everyone. There is a misbelief that career counselling is only for students either school going or college students. But the fact is that career counselling is for everyone who wants to gain knowledge for his/her career so that he/she can get good career options for herself or himself. Not only students but working professionals can also get career counselling.
Students:- They take career counselling to know their interest and find which subjects they can choose in future.
Professional:- They take career counselling to find other career options in their fields so that they can get more clarity and decide what to do in future.
What is the need for Career Counselling to students as well as professionals?
In today’s time everyone is searching for something new! May it be the students or qualified professionals, all of them want something new so that they shine bright in the future!
The most important reason for career counselling is to gain knowledge and clarity about the career they want to pursue.
Students always have some time of conundrum regarding the right subjects to choose or the right career option. On the other hand, professionals also need career guidance so that they can make more from what they are planning to study in future. Also, some of the professionals are not satisfied with their jobs so they need career counselling so that they can get more clarity. Some of the women who wish to return back to work also need career counselling.
What is the importance of career counselling?
We have already discussed what career counselling is and how it works and what are its essentials. Now we will take a look how these things come together and become important for us: –
1. Career counselling helps to pick right career for an individual: – Career Counsellors are professional experts who evaluate interests, abilities and many other factors. So that they can guide you to a perfect career according to your personality, knowledge and interests.
2. Career counselling helps us with the expert knowledge: – You can’t expect a normal person, a parent or a student to have knowledge of all education fields. You need to meet an expert who has all the knowledge you need to know regarding your career. In short words you need to meet a career counsellor who is an expert and professional.
3. Career counselling helps to provide peace in mind: – When a student wants to decide his/her career, she/he becomes anxious and maybe she/he can be frustrated because he/she is unable to decide things for the future. Career counselors are the one who can sort things out as they establish a friendly bond with the student and the student is free to share his/her thoughts. They help to bring focus to students where required and helps to reduce frustration and anxiousness. The main thing is that they bring clarity of thought by guiding students for their career which automatically brings peace to their minds.
One in a lifetime every person needs guidance regarding his/her career. The best way to gain knowledge and guidance is through career counselling. Career counselors are the professional experts who wish to help students and professionals for any kind of guidance regarding their career. So rather than following what others are doing, you should take a moment to look for a career counsellor so that you can give a look to available career opportunities and choose the right option for yourself.