Alternative Paths after clearing UPSC Prelims
Although the UPSC Civil Services Examination is a long and toilsome affair, it has myriad takers every year.
Triumph over this challenge is indeed a cause for celebration, but failure is the fate of many nonetheless. At the same time, the key thing is to remember that what happens in one test does not define a person’s abilities.
On the strength of this institution, for those who have not kept their eyes straight on the horizon after the UPSC Prelims an open door of despair has not been presented.
Here the dustings and the test check patterns are very much like the UPSC, which makes the changeover easier. What is more, by taking up a PCS, a candidate can be transferred to the IAS through an upward mobility process.
Another path, besides PCS examinations can also be the top-tiered exams such as NDA, CDS, etc. Some youngsters join defence services as officers, soldiers, or sailors while others take high scores in banking or even police forces. For those who still have some more attempts left, a strategic plan is the main key to success.
Scrutiny of last years’ papers will not only reveal the new approach but will also pinpoint the areas of improvement. Being up to date with the latest developments and acquiring analytical abilities are major success factors for students.
With the reduction in the number of attempts, a different way of sharing becomes important as well. Tutoring academies, writing in competitive exam magazines, or creating content online can be also gratifying career opportunities.
The said roles allow people to help out the future aspirants through the transfer of their knowledge and skills plus they could learn from their life experiences and business executive knowledge.
The bottom line is, the road to success is usually riddled with many failures. It is crucial to look at mistakes as learning experiences rather than outright failures.
Through exploring options such as acquiring new skills and sharing knowledge, one can experience self-satisfaction and success even when the initial goal seems unattainable.