A career that offers Power and Prestige
The position of power and prestige is a dream career for everyone.
If one has Perseverance, hardworking and Aptitude for Continuous Learning, then Company Secretary is a great option to pursue.
The company secretary acts a bridge between the company and its Board of directors, shareholders, government and regulatory authorities. The company secretary has to impart various services ranging from advising the companies on acceptable governance practices, compliance of legal and procedural aspects, arbitration, negotiation and conciliation in commercial disputes between the parties to finance, accounting, taxation and management services. The company secretary is responsible for the efficient administration of a company, particularly about ensuring compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements and for ensuring that decisions of the Board of directors get implemented.
I read somewhere “where there is a law, and there is scope for Company Secretaries”. Company Secretaries deal with legal aspects in the management of a company.
Only studies are not sufficient to become a successful CS, and one needs Competence with numbers, analytic, interactive and linguistic skills, among others.
CS is also responsible for carrying out finance, accounts, legal, administrative and personnel functions in addition to his secretarial duties.
The role starts from the very moment when the idea of the formation of a company. However, a company secretary’s actual function varies from company to company.
The responsibilities in a large or medium-firm include incorporation, public issues including a listing of shares and debentures, processing of applications for managerial appointments, remuneration, inter-corporate investments and loans.
The conduct of Board and general meeting and maintenance of records, filing returns, preparation of project financing, acting as internal legal advisor and representative when needed.
How to get there?

Graduates in any discipline (except Fine Arts) with min aggregate 50% can enrol in the Executive Program. Professional Program after clearing the Executive Programme. Finally, an Internship.
The Integrated Company Secretary Course is an interactive programme focusing on experiential learning and combining classroom lectures, discussion, class exercise, case studies, visits, practical sessions, internship etc.
Employment Opportunities
- The company looks forward to an Independent advisory capacity and support for procedures of licenses, registrations.
- Company Secretary firms
- Administrators in business firms
- Government grades 1-1V in the Accounts Branch of the Central Company Law Service of the Department of Company Affairs.
- Firms listed on the stock market
- Financial Advisor
- Specialists in banks in the fields of Finance, Accounts, Law and Merchant Banking
- An organization whose affairs are conducted by boards, councils and other corporate structures.
- As experts to the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America
- Self- employment (practice)
- Research
Career Progression – Company Secretary has been recognized as Key Managerial Personnel along with the Chief Executive Officer/managing director/manager, whole-time director and Chief Financial Officer according to section 203. Company Secretary is a must in every company.
Earning Potential – A qualified CS can earn anything between Rs.25,000 to 50,000 in their initial stage, and I have personally seen them reaching Rs. 40 Lakhs per annum package.
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) www.icsi.edu/constituted under an Act of Parliament, i.e. the Company Secretaries Act, 1980 (Act No. 56 of 1980) is the only recognized professional body in India to develop and regulate the profession of Company Secretaries in India. It awards the certificate bestowing the designation of Company Secretary to a candidate qualifying for the membership of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.
Admission to the CS Course is open throughout the year. Examinations are held twice a year in June & December.
The ROI: Return on Investment in education line, definitely CS ranks among the top.
Kavita Rai the Author is the Associate Editor Career Beacon.