How to find your skills in 8 easy steps
How to find your skills in 8 easy steps in the year 2021?
“List your skills below”. Did you read this in your college form, or maybe your internship round 1 and went blank? Are you aware of who you are and what you want? Probably not, that’s the reason you are here reading this blog.
The youth of the 21st Century is no more interested in just messing around and being unproductive. They want a boost in their career. They want a roller-coaster ride in the amusement park of opportunities. Youngblood’s crave the chance to showcase their talent. They are not afraid to fail, they are ready to learn.
What are skills?
Skills are an ability of a person to perform a particular task in a very innovative and creative way. It is an asset that adds value to the human psyche and resume. Skills are more than ranking yourself in the communication criteria. It is much more than five stars in English proficiency. It is a set of exceptionally amusing actions you can show while working in a pressurizing situation. It is a combination of artistic you and talented you.
Find your skills!
Digging deep into yourself and finding your skills is as tough as finding the right publisher to publish your book. But, once you find that publisher your book becomes a bestseller. So, if once you find your skills you go bestselling as well.
Step 1: Trust yourself
“Where do I begin?” A question every amateur person asks and the answer which they get – begin from trusting yourself. Why do you need to trust yourself and for what do you need to trust yourself? Many times newcomers think that they have no skills, they are useless. This is the point when they lose their confidence. This is the time when you break all your alignment from hope and realign yourself to self-doubt.
No one in this entire universe is born without any skill. Each one of us has something inside us which is unique, which no one else has. Do you think Jack Maa or Mahatma Gandhi could have achieved what they did if they had self-doubt? No, if Mahatma Gandhi would have doubted his ability to be a good leader he would have proved to be one. If Jack Maa wasn’t sure of his conversation skills he would have not been the founder of the well-known company Alibaba. So, the very first step you need to take is to believe that you are blessed with many skills. You are unique and God has sent you to make some great contributions to this world.
So, this blog is for those who are ready to learn. Who is willing to grow. Are you one of them?
The year 2021 is an era of technology, creativity, innovations, and skills. Skills which are not bookish, are not only applicable in a few circumstances. The new generation is keen to acquire diverse human assets. Who know themselves and who are aware of their exceptional skills?
Step 2 : Introspect
Now when you have finally stopped doubting your abilities and potential, it’s time to see within yourself. It is time to introspect. Introspection means looking inside you and finding answers to your questions. How can you do this? Do you need Mr. India’s red goggles for it? Not. You need some self-time for it. You might have heard about me-time. Self-time is the same. You can take some time out in a day to sit in the corner with your eyes closed or maybe wide open. Sit in a relaxed position, take deep breaths, and concentrate on things you are good at. Try to find your skills in your daily routine. Have a glance at your life and see if there is something you do regularly?
Do you give good advice to your friend? Or, do you can listen for hours to your best friend talking about the mess going on in her life – without interrupting. If you can do this then congratulations because you have already found one top skill of listening. Listening to someone for a long time without interrupting is not everyone’s cup of tea, but if it’s yours then don’t miss out on it. Maybe this skill can help you to become a psychologist. This was just one example. You can introspect and find out your skills from your everyday life.
Step 3: List them down!
Now, after a good introspection of 15 minutes take a sheet of paper and list your skills. Then make a mind map out of it. List your skill and then list all the careers where this skill can help you. In this way, you can figure out two things at once. You can easily find out your skills and maybe your career options. This will help to give you a better insight into your career prospects and help you to select streams for further studies.
Step 4: Don’t restrict yourself
When you have completed step three you are ready to move on to the next step. People might tell you several times that don’t keep on changing fields, stick to one career, don’t keep your feet on two boats. But what if you are interested in applied science as well as photography? What if your hand goes amazingly with electronics but acting in TV cinemas attracts you? No matter how much people try to convince you to stick to something which gives you money, don’t ever stop doing something which makes you happy. You can have several skills, it makes you multi-talented.
You can be good at playing guitar and martial arts at the same time. You can love to dance and be the JRE topper. You can be anything and anyone you want to be. So, don’t listen to anyone who asks you to not follow your passion. Smart people don’t choose one, they learn to manage many things. Be smart and learn to accumulate all your skills in your resume and serve the complete combo offer to the hirer.
Step 5: Take feedbacks
You might think you are good at something but you might need some changes. Asking for an opinion is not always wrong. But it is important to select people who can give you an opinion. For example, asking a cook about your music composing skills is not a good idea. Asking an introvert about their communication skills is a flop one. Always ask people who are on the same page as yours to give you honest feedback. Ask them to rate you based on skills you think are suitable. Be welcoming, welcome all feedback with open arms. It will help you to work on your mistakes and sharpen your strong areas.
Step 6: Read books to enhance your skills
We have heard for a long time that books are our best friends. But do we imply it in our life? Books can help you to reach miles. With one book a month, you are learning hundreds of new things and reading a new mind. So, after discovering your skills, pick up a book related to it and start reading it. Reading or listening to podcasts is a good habit. It can help you to explore more in the field, learn, and rectify your mistakes.
Step 7: Act and polish
Only introspection won’t help you to enhance your skills. You need to act on them to know whether you are good at it or not. Try to take internships through several platforms, like Internshala, Linked In, Fiverr. These internships can help you to know your strengths and weaknesses. Working in a team or under supervision can help you to learn from professionals. It will give you an idea of the work environment in which you will be working. Being with the people who are in your respective careers will help you to learn together and grow.
Step 8: Keep adding and believing
As I mentioned earlier, don’t restrict yourself to one skill. Keep on learning and adding skills to your life and resume. Being good at one thing doesn’t mean that you can not be good at another. Believe that you can reach your fullest potential and acquire as much knowledge as you can because knowledge is never-ending.
The person with whom you spent most of your time is you. After spending years and years with yourself, if you are still not aware of your potential then you might be stuck at discovering someone else’s. Learn from your mistakes and be ready to move forward. Take a greater path in life by taking the first step and exploring yourself. Take out time to introspect and find skills that are hidden inside you. Be innovative and creative and don’t let others darken your spark.