3 mins read

Diverse Career Avenues After 12th Science PCM Besides Engineering

When contemplating career choices post 12th Science PCM, engineering often steals the spotlight. However, for those passionate about science but not inclined towards engineering, there’s a vast array of alternative career paths worth exploring. Here’s a comprehensive guide to navigating beyond engineering and exploring promising career options: Exploring Career Paths Beyond Engineering After 12th Science […]

4 mins read

The Power of Rehiring Former Employees: Benefits, Drawbacks, and Tips

In today’s dynamic job market, it’s not uncommon for professionals to embark on new journeys, only to find themselves circling back to a previous employer down the road. This phenomenon presents a unique opportunity for hiring managers to reconsider candidates they once knew. But is rehiring a former employee a wise decision? Let’s explore the […]

1 min read

The Rise of Online MBAs: Navigating the New Roadmap to Success

The conventional notion surrounding the pursuit of an MBA typically revolves around young professionals who can commit to full-time, on-campus programs. However, there’s a growing understanding that mid-career individuals also benefit from upskilling, potentially through a second MBA. Dr. Kunjal Sinha, Director of the Centre for Continuing Education and Online Learning at Parul University, emphasizes […]

1 min read

Mastering Your Dream Job Interview: 4 Key Tips for Success

In life, the average person hopes for the basics: food, money, shelter, and perhaps, a dream job. However, landing that coveted position is often more challenging than expected, with frustrating interviews standing in the way. Often, it’s the small mistakes that hinder progress. But fear not, as this article provides four essential tips to help […]

2 mins read

RRB Technician Recruitment 2024: Apply at rrbapply.gov.in

Are you ready to take your career to new heights? The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has announced the Technician Recruitment 2024, and this is your chance to be a part of the prestigious Indian Railways. To help you navigate the application process seamlessly, we have compiled a step-by-step guide along with eligibility criteria and other essential details. […]

1 min read

Crafting an Empowering Morning Routine

Crafting a morning routine that sets the stage for a successful day involves incorporating habits tailored to individual preferences and needs. While there’s no universal formula, adopting a few key practices can pave the way for enhanced well-being and productivity. Embrace Tranquility Begin the day with a period of quiet reflection, whether through meditation, journaling, […]

2 mins read

7 Innovative Teaching Approaches to Prepare Students for Today’s Job Market

In the midst of an ever-evolving digital landscape, the job market is undergoing significant transformations. Companies worldwide are rapidly adopting advanced technologies, automating various functions, and leveraging digital solutions to maintain a competitive edge. This technological disruption is reshaping existing job roles and creating new career opportunities in specialized fields, underscoring the need to equip […]

1 min read

IIT Ropar Opens Applications for Summer Internship Program 2024

The Indian Institute of Technology Ropar (IIT Ropar) is currently accepting applications for its summer internship programs across various departments. Interested candidates can apply for internships in different departments separately through the official website iitrpr.ac.in. The deadline for registration is March 24th. During the registration process for offline internships, applicants need to specify the department where […]